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CAAB Report 174

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Wednesday 8 September 2005
USAF Croughton
near Northampton
Their Mission Statement is ‘Striving to be the premier provider of global communications services, while fostering a close-knit community based on quality of life, mutual respect and camaraderie.’
Lindis Percy was violently 'arrested' when she was thrown to the ground, handcuffed and 'detained' by US 'security' personnel for three quarters of an hour, before being arrested by two Northamptonshire police officers for 'aggravated trespass' (s.68 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994).   PC Katie Pearce (1267)  and PC Ruth Marshall (74) were clearly taking instructions from the American personnal present.  They refused to remove the US applied handcuffs and instead let the Americans call the tune. 
Lindis had been openly on the base for nearly two hours without being noticed.  Just before she left she pressed a buzzer  by  the US 'communications' center to identify herself and to let them know that she was leaving by the same way as she came in.  Worringly she did not see one 'security' patrol during the time she was walking on the base.
Before finally leaving by car, Lindis felt moved to go  to the US guard post at the Main entrance to express sympathy about the aftermath of the recent terrifying hurrican in the US.  She quietly spoke to the 'security' personnel for about four to five minutes about the outrage of the response and the fact that the US is the richest and most powerful country in the world; and yet the response was woefully inadequate and the US has had to ask the world for aid.  She then turned away towards the Main exit gate and  left. 
It was at this point that as she was leaving, she was 'arrested and detained' by the US authorities.  The Northampton Police officers told Lindis that the US personnel had told them that she had been handcuffed because she was 'resisting arrest'.   At the highest level of the law Lindis was a civil trespasser.
Lindis was held in Northampton police station for nearly 14 hours.  She was interviewed by two Ministry of Defence Police Agency (MDPA) officers before being bailed to return on 27 October 2005.
  • US personnel on US bases in the UK have no powers of arrest in the UK.
  • The Ministry of Defence Police Agency are in the process of setting up an office at USAF Croughton so reflecting the importance of this base. 
  • The MDPA are paid for and under the operational control of the US authorites.

Amendment  6 January 2006

Lindis was soon notified by the Ministry of Defence Police Agency at USAF Croughton that she did not need to attend Northampton Police Station and that there would be 'no further action'.  She is in the process of applying under the US Freedom of Information Act for various documentation concerning this 'incident'.



Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy
Joint Co-ordinators 
8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ, England, U.K.
Tel/fax no: +44 (0)1943 466405 0R +44 (0)1482 702033
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever does."     Margaret Mead

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